Getting Started
The documentation includes everything needed but we are also give you a dedicated getting started page for SITCore.
Technical Docs Shortcuts
The Documentation website has everything you need. But here are a few shortcuts to get you started.

The C# for IoT and Robotics ebook goes hand-in-hand with the SITCore Experimenter Kit, but is a good reference for ALL SITCore boards.

Full details on the SITCore SBCs and pinout/schematics are on the SITCore SBC Docs.

Getting Started Docs
The full version of the TinyCLR Getting Started guide is on the docs.

Docs include TinyCLR Tutorials for IoT specifics. For non-specifics, like Threading, the use is typically identical to full .NET.
Community Forum

Our dedicated team keeps an eye on the forum to answer your questions quickly, supported by us and by the professional community that make up the majority of the forum. You may also contact us directly for further assistance.